So we have been busy summarizing all of the harvest data and making charts of results. These will be shown in the next Liquid newsletter, grower meetings and of course, the annual Research Report. I will say that we are having some very good results that we can't wait to present. But alas, there is still some farm work to do. One of our jobs is to apply fall strip till treatments, or as we call it, Nutri-Till. Here we are running treatments into wheat stubble. We had good results with fall applications of Pro-Germinator and Sure-K in our trials this year, and are repeating some of these, plus new variations. I will say that we do not recommend fall application of nitrogen solutions due to losses before the corn needs it way into next season. But Pro-Germinator and Sure-K can work well with fall strip till application. In the picture below we see Doug in command of our custom-built Nutri-Till applicator. Doug was also the custom-builder.
Looking out the back window we see straight strips thanks to RTK and auto-steer.
We like for the Pro-Germinator and Sure-K to be placed in the seed zone. In other words, shallow placement and not in the deep placement typical of most strip till tools. In the picture below, the Nutri-Till tool is in the raised position. Hopefully you can see the knife behind the front coulter where fertilizer can be placed 5 to 6 inches below the seed placement. With spring Nutri-Till, we will put nitrogen there, but not in the fall. We are running a treatment of Sure-K and also Pro-Germinator + Sure-K in the deep placement for comparison to shallow placement and planter placement. And hopefully you can see the green tube going to the back between the rear coulters. This places the fertilizer in the seed zone, a couple inches below the surface. We have two tanks and two pumps for the dual placement which is common in the spring. With all of the monitors and red balls to watch, auto steer is a real asset.
And here is what we will be planting into next year. I guess this proves that we will be back for 2011. This is not the last plot task for the fall. Hopefully I will show you what remains on Monday.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
What? Don't Tell Me It's Over Already?!?
So today was a sad day at the NCRS. Yes, we harvested our last experiment. Remember how you felt as a kid at Christmas opening your last present? You have a lot of nice stuff, but still kind of sorry it's over. Well that kid is me today. But we went out on a high note harvesting our milo (or was it grain sorghum? hmmm.) plot. This is only the second or third time we have planted milo at the NCRS, not a milo growing area here. But this test turned out really well, and we got some good results. (Which will be in the Research Report.) This plot also attracted some birds, but nowhere near the numbers of the sunflower plot. The birds were maybe stocking up for their trip South, and I hope they have a successful trip and find all they are looking for down there.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Black Bean Harvest and Planting Wheat
So yesterday was another beautiful day here in mid-Michigan, and the combine was kept busy. This time we harvested our Black Bean experiment. Here is the combine harvesting the middle four rows of the six-row plot that we use for yield determination. Again, the air reel really is beneficial for harvesting edible bean plots as the air blows the cut plants into the auger and feeder house, where they used to rest above the cutter bar at the end of the plot.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
All Eyes on Potato Harvest This Week
So I have written plenty lately about corn and soybean harvest at the NCRS this past week. But what has Brian and crew been up to, hmm??? Well they have been quite busy with potato harvest. The first step is to dig the potatoes with the plot digger. Here we see Tim and Andy catching the plot output.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Dual Harvest
So it was another busy day of plot harvest at the NCRS. The morning started with another corn experiment on Farm 7. Phil is at the helm of the combine. Notice we have a gps globe on board so that we are always sure we are in the right plot. We don't rely on plot stakes anymore in this modern age of agriculture.
At the end of the plot the corn is dumped into the grain cart.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Plot Harvesting Mad Men (and Woman)
So last week and now this week we are flying through plot harvest. With good weather and early harvesting, it is going great so far. We did get some rain over the weekend, which helped settle the dust and will help the just-planted wheat. And this week calls for sunny and dry all week, so harvest continued today. I will say that today was one of those days that makes the job fun. It was cool and sunny with no wind, and no breakdowns. Windy days can make things difficult by making the scale on the big grain cart jump around. In fact, if it's too windy, we won't harvest plots. But today was perfectly calm. We knocked out three big corn tests. Again because of the strangely warm season, we are harvesting corn before we finish our soybeans, which is very rare. But last night we had our first frost of the fall, and decided to let the frost finish off the soybeans and get them more dry. What a contrast to the unusually cool 2009 where we actually had a killing frost on October 4 before the corn had even reached black layer. In the picture below, it is the same routine as before, follow the combine with the grain cart. We get good treatment readings in this experiment where the plots are 380 feet long with four replications.
At the end of each plot, the corn is weighed and a sample collected for moisture and test weight measurement.
Look what somebody dropped off on one of our farms (Farm 7). They are all over the place. This is another motivation to get finished with harvest.
So we are keeping after it so that we can find out what the treatments did as we continue to explore this Responsible Nutrient Management that seems to be all the rage.
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