So today is Wednesday, but Tuesday was a busy day at the NCRS. First we had to harvest the sunflowers. They were probably not ready and had not been sprayed for dry down, but the birds were starting to chow down on them, so we took them. We did find some good results, so check the research report (when available).
Sorry birds, this smorgasbord is closed.
Next it was on to some of our dryland soybean plots.
The drought of August did have an effect on some of the soybean pod fill, as the picture below shows.
Meanwhile, Ron, Tim and Andy harvested onions. This laborious task involved cutting the tops off of the lifted onions, then putting them into bags for weighing and sorting.
Well look at this. We are expanding our office at the NCRS. It was pretty crowded the past four years with Doug, Stephanie, Brian and me all in a small office. With the farm expansion this year, we couldn't think big in a small space. I guess this means the NCRS is going to be around for a while longer.