So construction continued yesterday on the new barns on Farm 3. It was time to put in water and power lines. Here we see Doug, Phil and Ron A. working along with the contractors on the trench where the lines will go. It was surprising to find that the ground on the North side of the building was still too frozen to allow penetration there. So it will have to wait for more of a warm-up.
Below is s shot through the equipment barn to the fertilizer and chemical storage barn. These will sure be nice when they are finished and put to use.
And here is a very important part of the project: installation of the bathroom. This building is too far from the main barn and trees, so a bathroom was put on the plans. Although with this hole being dug it looks like the plan may be changed to an outhouse. Anyway, I can't wait for the inauguration.
So I wish we could be in the field getting some wheat sprayed or oats planted, but still too cold and wet. It is supposed to warm up this weekend, but still be rainy. If you read this before Saturday night, you should watch the NASCAR race from Texas and cheer for the #78 Farm American car. Look on the rear quarter panels for a familiar logo. See the website for all the details. Boogity Boogity. (Oh wait, I'm one short: Boogity!)