So it was early to the NCRS today to get ready for our first day of farm tours. We were expecting a group of growers from Ontario with AgroSpray, as well as a group from Tennessee and Kentucky with Security Seed. The Canadians arrived first, and after welcoming remarks by VP Nick, some comments on the how to's of research, weather and Michigan agriculture, Stephanie headed off with that group for a tour. The other group arrived later, and after a similar intake of coffee, donuts and information, they took off with me.
Below they hear the details of a soybean experiment...
...and of a corn experiment. Repeat a few times, and throw in navy beans and sugarbeets for good measure, and that's a show!
At one stop we examined treatment effects on corn ears. (Want to know what they were? Then come to a tour.)
Phil gives the group an explanation of our new containmnet building.
After lunch, Brian gave a taste test of watermelons and cantaloupes from both a conventional fertilizer program and from a Liquid program. (I was a little late with the camera, as there was quite a crowd earlier. But I was still eating lunch.) The fruit's fertilizer program was kept a secret during testing.