So yesterday we harvested this soybean test on Farm 5 and this morning we planted another winter wheat experiment. This one will evaluate timing of application of Pro-Germinator and Sure-K. Here is Phil running the drill.
And here is a picture from my familiar spot in the Hagie making broadcast applications. The main fall-applied wheat fertilizer around these parts is none, even though we have demonstrated significant yield increases with Liquid. Many growers are too busy with harvest to spend time with fertilizing wheat. But we will keep trying to spread the word. Also few drills are set up with liquid attachments. Anyway, a challenge with broadcasting liquid fertilizer is all of the crop residue on the soil surface.
Then this afternoon it was back to soybean harvest. We harvested three soybean tests on Farm 7 today. There are only two more soybean tests to harvest, and those are on Farm 3.
On my way home, I stopped by the wheat field that we planted this morning and was happy to see that it was up already.