Well, in the growth chamber anyway. Last Friday Dan and Dr. Brian planted trays of cole crops that will be transplanted into the research plots in late April. Here is Dan checking the trays today after lunch, and makes a startling discovery.
We have emergence! See the little cauliflowers just breaking through the soil into the world. They are each hoping to be the first one eaten, after fattening up on Liquid fertilizer. Dan was so proud he started passing out cigars.
After they are more fully emerged, they will be moved into the greenhouse which will give them sunlight for more normal growth. Might be a little chilly if they are moved now though. (It's only 28 degrees out this afternoon.) The greenhouse should be finished soon. That's the plan anyway.
So this is a real reminder that spring is coming. What about me you ask? Well I have been around the country recently for grower meetings and the like. I am off on a short research mission tomorrow. It is to one of my favorite areas. Hope to bring you along through the blog-o-sphere. Check back.