So today we started planting corn here at the NCRS. This is an earlier start than in most years. We had some rain over the weekend, and we needed it. This is light ground here on Farm 3, and there was good soil moisture for planting. We started with our stip till or, as we call it, Nutri-Till plots. This is where we have the ability to place fertilizer in the seed zone as well as 8 inches deep, like for nitrogen. We have a number of different fertilizer comparisons, as well as timing of application. Some strips were made in the fall with application of Pro-Germinator and Sure-K. But as stated many times, we do not recommend application of solution nitrogen in the fall. We did it once, and found the same thing as have others: It is not a good idea unless you want yellow corn. Too much leaching potential up here.
After I got started, Tim joined the fun with the planter. We are also comparing planter applications to those with the Nutri-Till machine. This has worked very well in the past. But one of the advantages with all of the fertilizer being applied with the strip till operation is that the planter can just go and not have to stop for fertilizer refills.
And just in case the no-tillers were about to stop reading, we did have some no-till plots. I jumped out of my tractor to snap this pic. It looks like it's doing a nice job. We have some no-till corn tests this year.
Tim and I prepare for a game of chicken.
OK, how many more times are you going to have to see this? Probably a lot as I am not only the writer, but also the editor of this here blog.
Seen on the way to the farm. So do you think this guy is tired of picking up empty vodka bottles out of his yard by the road every morning? (But you have to admire the litterbug's brand loyalty.)
It was good to get started. One step closer to the end, although you can't see the end even with binoculars yet.