So last Friday we finally got Farm 9 tiled. This was a farm that we had been renting for a number of years, and now is owned by the Liquid ownership. It was really in need of tiling. It is heavier soil and there are some springs feeding it somewhere. It was never dry early enough to enable us to plant corn, so had to wait till later and plant soybeans or wheat in the fall after bean harvest. It really isn't suitable for plots as it's so hilly, but it's a pretty 32 acres and we have grown some good crops there. Fraker's trenching has done all of our tiling, and was back again. It has been a dry spring around here, so he has been able to get a lot of jobs done.
Up the hill he goes, laying in the tile around 34 inches deep. Obviously there is good fall here to carry the water down the hill and off to a county drain.This part of the field is all done by afternoon. The tile lines are 33 feet apart.
Well it's not like we can drive right in and start planting. The ground is pretty dry now since there has been very little rain this spring. So the soil didn't fall back in so much. It will take a little work to close up the trenches, but there is a plan. Master fabricator Ron has built a tool to get the job done. Hopefully I can catch him in action with it this week.
Last Friday all of the corn and soybeans on the farm have been planted, so that also was good news.