Friday, July 3, 2015

Going Natural

So if you haven't seen the office lately, here is how it looked today.  No, our lawnmower isn't broken. This was how it was drawn up when the plans were being made several years ago.  Cool season prairie grass was planted when we moved in two years ago.  It took a little while to get established and was mowed last year.  But this year it was allowed to grow like a real prairie and it looks great, especially now with the grass having seed heads and all.  I know it is eye catching as people have noticed as they drive by and asked about it. Probably not too many corporate world headquarters have the natural look.  The pond also adds to the natural landscape.   
And part of the roof has a living landscape that is looking really nice as it flowers.
Here is another view, this of the Liquid windmill.  It is getting lit up by the fireworks blasting to an early start today.  (We are fortunate that the Fourth of July and Independence Day happen to be on the same day this year as it consolidates the celebrations.)
So Happy Birthday USA!  Be careful and I hope that you all have the same number of fingers on the 5th that you had on the 3rd.