Sunday, November 29, 2015

NY Thanksgiving Adventure

So while everyone else was rolling out of bed getting ready to cook the turkey and baste some yams, our own NCRS Hort Crop researcher, Jacob Emling, was already in place to have a first hand view of the 89th annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.  He was kind enough to share the following pics for the blog. By the way, that's Jacob looking at the camera.  Hope he turned around in time to see the apple going by, that being one of his crops of interest and all.  
Here is the NYC Fireman balloon.  It's actually Harold the Fireman who first appeared in 1948.
And who doesn't recognize Thomas the Train?  
Actually I was hoping he would send a pic of the Hello Kitty balloon.  But it looks like it was a lot of fun and nice weather too.  Thanks Jacob. 
For next year, I think the Marketing department is working on AgroLiquid Man even as we speak. Only Albert won't hold still long enough to be a good model.