So hopefully you read in the Research Report about all of the alfalfa trial work that Agronomist Dan Peterson conducted last year in Wisconsin. Yield was often improved with AgroLiquid applied alone or more often, on top of a growers dry fertilizer program or manure. Anyway, applications of Sure-K and other AgroLiquid nutrients had a tremendous effect on quality and calculated milk production (formula based on quality components). So here in Michigan we are taking a new look at alfalfa programs, working in conjunction with Dan. A couple trials are with local dairymen. Last week we made applications to fields a week after first cut and harvest. This field is right next to the NCRS Farm 12. This is an irrigated field and has had manure applied the previous two years with no additional fertilizer to be applied this year. So we have two strips of AgroLiquid, mainly Sure-K + Micros. He was able to irrigate after harvest and had nice regrowth.
We made a different application to a dryland field of a different dairy operation several miles away. It has been very dry of late and rain would be nice. These applications were last Thursday and no rain since, and temperatures are in the 90's
This field is right by this nice lagoon. In fact we put our strip marker flags on the fence. Didn't see any No Swimming signs, and it is hot.... But this grower will apply potash after next cut, and we will see what the addition of AgroLiquid brings to the yield and quality measurements.
Back at the NCRS, our test field had been cut and harvested the previous day. So after making the farmer applications, we came back and applied dry fertilizer to the appropriate plots in our test The following week, which is tomorrow, we will apply AgroLiquid treatments to the regrowth. We will get a variety of comparisons. Here intern Jacob applies dry potash and MAP to plots with our dry air spreader, or Blower as we call it. It does a great job. I mean we have to be fair in our tests.
We apply the dry components separately so as not to be stuck with left over fertilizer blends. The dry micros are spread manually. I use a hand held spinner spreader, but Zouheir prefers spreading by hand. We often have some differences in experimental technique which often leads to lively discussion.