Thursday, September 7, 2017

Magic Blog

So the blog from yesterday was titled "Send Rain" and talked about how dry it is around here.  Well evidently it delivered as it rained today.  Thank you Magic Blog. Although it was only around a quarter inch, anything is appreciated.  Maybe I should title this one "Send A Million $".  Like the rain, even a quarter of that would be nice.  But I'll stick to my mission here and be thankful for any rain.  Here is a view this afternoon off the back outside balcony of the St. Johns office.
I received this from my daughter and former NCRS summer employee Dana. No doubt you've heard about the terrible fires in the Northwestern US.  Over a million acres burned in Montana!  She lives near Missoula which is in Western Montana, and has sent pictures of smoke-filled skies blocking the sun.  Major fires are not far away and she has her evacuation bag ready for her and dog.  Resources are stretched to breaking point and the major defense appears to be to wait for snow.  Too many disasters going on now with fires and hurricanes.  Pray for all the people.
 And since we are on a weather theme, here is a look at my oh-so-accurate Ford Flex thermometer from yesterday morning.  37 degrees on September 6 is too cold no matter where you are.  You may recall that we have a record holder employee at the NCRS for the state's biggest watermelon in state contests, Tim Brussel.  He said that he has been covering his giant watermelons and pumpkins with blankets and feeding them warm air from a heater at night.  Floods, fire, cold....challenges abound.
But we forge ahead like any farmer would.