Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Ag PhD Field Day Set Up

So last week was the Ag PhD Field Day at the Hefty Seed Company HQ near Baltic, SD.  It is a big opportunity to interact with growers from all over the country who come to see all the exhibits.  Set up day is a chore, but must be done.  Look at one of the signs by an entrance.  Well it isn't exactly all "our" field day, but glad for the recognition.
Zouheir and I drove from Michigan to bring some show stuff...and we found plenty more laying on the ground ready for assembly when we got there.
 But before tackling that, I got to go to the Ag PhD Morton studio to be on the radio show with Brian and Darren Hefty.  First time in the studio for that.
 Assembling the AgroLiquid display.  Somehow it got put up and ready for guests the next day.
 Galynn and Troy visit the Hefty's planter which was behind one of the tents by ours.  It's the one shown on the Ag PhD TV show (Tuesday nights, 8 pm EDT on RFD TV).  Glad to see that it still has the Pro-Germinator and Sure-K fertilizer stickers.
 Dr. Zouheir Massri had his soil pit ready for the show, along with research posters from his experiments at the NCRS.  He is discussing soil aspects with Hefy agronomist Rob Fritz, who was very interested in the findings.
A good night's sleep and ready to go tomorrow.  For more go to @DrJerryCropDoc on Facebook.  It's public, so no sign-up required.