So yesterday I said we were done with soybeans, but we had some ground left and I found something else to test. So Doug planted the final plot this morning. OK, now we are really done.
Look who's back: the Creative Services crew to take some more footage of the season of NCRS research. We plan on making a through-the-year record of the different parts of what makes research at the NCRS so extensive and complete. Today was Brian's turn to explain vegetable plot establishment.
Epic footage indeed!
Here is Tim making fungicide and fertilizer applications in wheat plots on Farm 5. They look a little close, but I assure you: No cameramen were injured in the filming of this movie. So this will continue through the summer, but maybe I don't want to spoil how it turns out. I may keep the rest of the production under wraps until the premier this fall. So keep it on your radar.
In the meantime, Stephanie started the operation of running the lines for the edges of the plots. Recall that Ron built this for us and it works great. Using gps and autotrack for guidance, it accurately and quickly marks the lines. Then we can just use the field cultivator to clean up the rest of the alley outside the lines..
Looks good so far, but there are many other Farms to run. I like Stephanie to do this so she can also keep an eye out for any plot oddities that may appear to her trained eye. Plus she understands where all of the lines should go.
Next order of business for the field crop folks is sidedressing of corn, while Brian still has some transplanting to finish. This is just Monday, so plenty more action this week.