So today marks a blog milestone: The 200th posting of the wildly successful Live From The NCRS! How has it come to be? Well fortunately I am blessed with a wealth of material as the NCRS is a constantly busy place. I am also fortunate to have such a great group of researchers and support staff with whom to work. Most of us have worked together for quite a while that we can't believe we get paid to do this. The newer folks are getting used to the place and scratch their heads less each day. So there aren't too many things that I have even done 200 times, much less write a blog. I was going through various postings last night with my daughter Elyse, and I can remember all of them. And I notice that the readership is increasing, so tell your friends. Thanks to you Loyal Readers for accompanying me on this blogdom journey.
Recall that yesterday I mentioned that we had some hard rain last night. Well we had 1.9 inches at the farm, so that meant no planting. Below is a picture of Farm 7 with some water standing in the distance. Fortunately it is tiled and went down over the day.
No field work often means: cookout! Below we see Phil unloading the hamburgers from the grill.
Another shameless plug: If you didn't get a chance to view the RFD Live episode from last week featuring Agro-Culture Liquid Fertilizers, then go to the web site and go to the second article under Top Stories. Click and Watch. It is TV worth watching. While there, you can also sign up to attend one of the Research Field Day events. You can also read a fine article by some guy about Responsible Nutrient Management. And hey, if you didn't get the Spring Newsletter, then just click on the newsletter icon there and make sure you read the front page article! And there is probably other stuff on there too.
Well that's a wrap, but tune in next week as we have some new happenings planned on Monday.