Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance

Hard to believe we are only a few weeks away from the start of the Research Field Days (RFD) at the North Central Research Station.  Since many of us have been away on fertilizer business, it was time to take advantage of all of the NCRS research principles being there Monday, and have a planning meeting.  By this time the tour stops and activities are pretty much planned and laid out.   But we wanted to take a group consult.  Below we see Tim, Doug, Stephanie and Brian in deep planning discussion mode.  It will be great.  Likely the best one ever. 
See how the corn is of different heights in this plot.  This is evaluating different fertilizer placement methods.  And not just placement, but different fertilizers as well.  What we see here is.....wait, I'm not going to spoil the ending.  Find out on the RFD tours.
One thing that we have at the NCRS this year is heat and dry conditions.  Fortunately here on Farm 3 in the RFD field crop demonstration area, we have irrigation.  And it has been running steady to make up for lack of rain.  Dr. Brian has been runnng the drip tape on all of the fruit and vegetable plots as well.  Lots to see here.
It's not too late to register, but some of the days are nearing capacity.  So go to the website to make your plans to attend the ACLFNCRSRFD here in St. Johns, Michigan.  After this session, it was time for my departure on an important fertilizer mission, which I hope to share in the next episode.  Stay cool.