Sunday, June 23, 2013

Trailer for sale or rent....

So I've said that my office for nearly the past year and a half has been in a trailer in the warehouse behind the main office.  This since I relocated from the farm.  For the past while I have been sharing space with the marketing department.  I've enjoyed this arrangement very much and enjoyed seeing their projects develop and sharing comments.  (How else do you think I made the front cover of the last newsletter?)  Anyhow, with moving day just a few days off, it was time to remove the trailer from the premises.  Saying goodbye below is, me, intern Ashley (from Saginaw Valley State University.  Go Cardinals!), Renee and Albert.  (You can tell I'm not a marketer since I'm not wearing black.) But fortunately we are only a spitwad toss away from each other at the new place.
On Thursday they really did haul it away.  I could not bring myself to watch, so was away that day.  Bye trailer.
But happy days definately lie ahead.  Friday was moving day.