Friday, March 15, 2013

And So It Begins....

So yesterday Stephanie was out at the farm and snapped this pic of the first Robin of the year at the NCRS.  Thus sighted, we can begin work.  Fortunately we are not having a repeat of last year when temps were in the 80's for several weeks leading to disaster in the fruit tree and vine industry.  No, it is still cold in the 30's.  But the Robin sighting signals warm weather ahead.  (Trivia: What is the state bird of Michigan???  OK, it's the Robin.)
One experiment in the works is top-dress timing for Liquid N programs like High NRG-N.  This was yesterday, and it was rare to be able to get a sprayer out in the field this early. Here is Tim D making the application in the plots. This was on Farm 4 which has lighter soil.  Farm 5 which has wheat on it is heavier ground and was too muddy.  Normal top-dress time is in early April by the time the soil has thawed and you can drive without rutting up the ground.
Plenty to do and it is nice to get started.