Saturday, April 12, 2014

Meanwhile Back At The NCRS....

So before continuing with the saga of my Oklahoma wheat tour, let's see what happened with NCRS wheat last week.  It seems that last Wednesday the field crops crew was able to get the wheat plots topdressed.  And the production wheat too.  I was surprised to get the call about this as I thought it would still be awhile before this would happen since there are still diminishing patches of snow around.  But pictures don't lie, especially ones on the internet.  Here are Tim and Stephanie navigating the plot Hagie sprayer around a wheat trial on Farm 3.  You will recall that some of the seed tubes on the drill are plugged where the sprayer tires go.  So this leaves tram lines and no tracks on the harvested plot rows.  They are using stream nozzles.  
And because we don't discriminate, we applied some urea for comparison.  In case you are a new reader, this is our air spreader for dry fertilizers.  It was originally designed and built by Doug years ago, and has been renovated by Phil and Tim.  And probably Jeff too.  We have it accurately calibrated for the different types of dry fertilizers used around here.  It works very well for this.  That's Jeff at the helm.
And this is the Farm 3 field after treatments were applied.
Now Grow!!!