Friday, August 22, 2014

2014 Research Field Days Are Underway

So this past week we hosted the NCRS part of the Research Field Days.  There were 3 farm tours each on both Tuesday and Thursday.  Certainly one of the big draws was to see the big ear of corn fertilized with AgroLiquid.  I don't know if so many people came to see that, or to listen to Stephanie.  Here they got to do both.
But seriously folks, there were hundreds of visitors from all over the country here on those two days, with repeat performances next week.  In fact, the message is now worldwide as I talk to Mike Hanson of RFD TV who was there to record some of the happenings.  Mike and I are buds, having been the host on one of my appearances on the RFD Live TV show.
Part of the field day is touring different demonstrations on our Farm 12, the "demonstration" farm. Here we see Tim talking to a group about soybeans and fertilizer placement options.  Before that he showed how one of our planters is set up for liquid application.
Brian tells all who listen about using Liquid on potatoes and dug some up to show and tell.
Jeff is talking about fertilizer effects on corn roots.  Can you see them?  Me neither.  I will try to get closer next time.  But reviews were very favorable.
Just because you are an intern doesn't mean that you don't get put to work showing the demonstration plots.  Emily talks to a group about winter wheat fertilizer options.  It is  a good stand of winter wheat that was planted earlier just for this demonstration.  Accommodating, aren't we?  And I had hoped to get a picture of everyone in action, so that is part of Kalvin's head beneath the arrow.  So he too was working.  I'll do better next time.
Moving off the demonstration farm onto some actual research plots was next.  Here is horticulturalist Jake explaining all there is to know about the high density apple orchard.  Even though he has only been here a short time, he is well versed in this area and did a good job of explaining it to the group. Although the vast majority of those in attendance only eat, rather than grow apples, the information was good to know.  All farmers like to learn about growing stuff.
Stephanie talks about the importance of sulfur fertility on growing top yielding corn.  Sulfur is often a limiting nutrient, and AgroLiquid has the products to take care of it.  In making input decisions in low corn price years, don't cut something that will produce many times the value of the input.
One of the six tours was rained out.  That was Tuesday late afternoon.  Well I will say that in the 20+ years of doing farm tours, this is the first time that we have been driven indoors by rain. (We ended up with 0.6") But we have always had our Plan B slide show (or PowerPoint show) ready in waiting. Well this time it paid off as we made our tour stops on the screen by showing pictures and explaining what they would have seen.  Like interns Jimmy and Kelly here on vegetables and vine crops. They even brought some in to show.  Much better than 2 hours of shadow puppet shows.
Finally new field agronomist John Leif talked about the 4R program for nutrient stewardship.  That being the Right Source, Rate, Time and Place.  AgroLiquid nutrition can get you there for all of that.
I actually talked at a stop on AgroLiquid sustainabilty to answer the question:  Are AgroLiquid programs sustainable over time for both yield and soil test?  Well I didn't get a "selfie" but it was good. Well I thought so anyway.  As I said, the fun begins again next Tuesday.  If you haven't been yet, now's your chance.