So your AgroLiquid Senior Managers were in Nashville last week for a meeting. And since we were in the neighborhood, our friends from RFD-TV invited us over to see their new studios. So we did. It was dark and a little confusing to find, but we did. It seems that the Northwood Studios have been sold. That's where myself and several others have appeared on the wildly successful show "RFD-Live" now known as "Rural America Live." Well they were leasing space there, but now they will own their own studio. They found a place that had large studios and lots of room for radio and other things. It is being renovated and will be completed in the spring. Here is one of the TV studios. I strongly suggested that I will be ready for a returning engagement whenever they want. That's Chief Revenue Officer Brian Hughes in the striped sweater showing us around.
They will now have a large control room to better get close-ups. Lot's of room here...
...compared to the crowded old place.
There was practically Who's Who of RFD-TV there that evening. Here is Troy surrounded by a group of RFD's top brass. That's Brian on the left, then Randy Bernard, CEO of Rural Media Group's Events, Troy, Tim Moen, our sales contact and RFD TV host Mike Hanson, who is also Executive VP. Mike has hosted one of my TV appearances, and was also at the last Research Field Day event getting video and interviews. Rural Media Group is the parent of RFD-TV. Prior to coming here a couple years ago, Randy Bernard was CEO of IndyCar racing and the Professional Bull Riders. So he knows about big events and he is a nice guy for sure. Btw: Troy really isn't that short, these guys are all pretty tall. I don't know if that is a requirement to work here. But it must help.
So that was fun. They thanked us for our support and we thanked them for the service they provide as the voice of agriculture and rural America. So after the exchange of mutual admiration, we left. (But I do hope I can take stage someday here.)