Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Vegetable Harvest Continues

The vegetable crew has also been hard at it in the harvest of those plots.  However, unlike the crops crew, this harvest is all by hand.  Like here are all the tomatoes from a plot.  But this is just part of the job as they have to be sorted by color to get per cent greens and reds.  Hard work indeed. Stop by if you ever wanted to be a researcher.  At least you can eat what you pick.  And they still donate picked produce to the food bank as has been done for years.
Here is Jake cutting celery from those plots on Farm 12.  This is the first celery crop grown at the NCRS and it looks great.
Apparently you have to cut the bunches uniformly like you see in the store.  So Brian uses this board contraption to do that.
The apple coloring applications still are intriguing. I pointed out in a previous blog post that the leaves will sometimes prevent uniform coverage of the nutritional spray application.  Here is a view of what the Honeycrisp variety apple looks like sprayed and un-sprayed. 
Here are some more.  I still think they should try covering up part of the apple with letters to spell out words or phrases.  But some work on improved coverage technique will be done in the future, maybe with some equipment folks.
Always something new and exciting.