Saturday, February 27, 2016

In Search of Winter

 So the blog has been on vacation.  I have been really busy, but that is no excuse.  So here we go again.  I have said that this has been one warm winter.  Two winters ago it was very heavy snow all winter.  Last year was less snow but extremely cold.  This winter has been warm and little snow.  In fact it was 60 degrees the week of Christmas.  The above pic was earlier this month at the bottom of my driveway as I left for Agro HQ.  No snow, but pretty sunrise.

And the picture below was last Sunday, Feb  21.  That is a Redwing Blackbird under one of our feeders.  They usually don't show up till March.  But here is one already.
 And in the front flower garden some bulbs are already pushing out of the ground.  Probably a little ambitious if you ask me.
 Because on Wednesday and Thursday of last week we got 14 inches of snow.  Fortunately I was out of town.  But here is the flower garden yesterday (Friday).  Those leaves probably did a U-turn.
And here is the AgroLiquid office yesterday morning.  All of the area schools were closed for a couple days after the snow.  But the hard working and dedicated staff was there bright and early at your service.  Notice all of the jet con trails over the office.  They all use the building as a reference point flying over Michigan.
 And here is Farm 7 under several inchees of snow.
Well it will all melt so on as temps are supposed to warm into the 40's and 50's in the days ahead. But it's still winter so be prepared.