Saturday, July 10, 2010

Wheat Harvest Today

So today we did get into the field for harvest of our wheat plots. The moisture came down to under 15% this afternoon and away we went. So I will just show some pictures that describe what we do for harvesting plots. The same routine applies to all of our grain crops. The picture below shows Doug harvesting one of the forty plots in this test, which means 10 treatments times four replications. Remember that the plot width is such that my plot Hagie can stradle it for foliar applications. Oops, I said I wouldn't mention foliar spraying again, sorry.
But before we got too far along we were joined by our president and principle owner, Mr. Troy Bancroft. It's hard to hide since we are practically in his backyard. But I'm sure he enjoyed the comfortable and quiet ride. And we got to show him that we really do work out here.

Here we go on another round of plot harvest. First Doug has to make a round taking off the plot borders. You can see the skinny border rows below. Border rows prevent any treatment from one plot getting onto an adjacent plot. Then Phil guides the grain cart with a weigh scale under the auger at the end of the plot. I am actually up in the grain cart on a platform built to hold us scale tenders.

I tare the scale and give the signal to dump the load from the previous plot. I will take a sample for determination of moisture and test weight, plus any grain quality analysis. Then the plot weight is recorded. We have a scale that gives weight in 2 pound increments, which is plenty accurate for these 210 foot long plots.

Phil took this picture of me getting ready to grab a grain sample as the grain begins to fall. You can see the scale readout behind me. We do have a chair on the platform, but I am usually too excited to sit down.

And here Doug goes on another round of removing the border rows. This is a pretty efficient operation. We keep going round and round until there is nothing left to harvest. It was a nice day, not too hot and just a mild breeze. When it is very windy, we have to stop because the wind blowing on the cart makes it hard to get an accurate weight. But today was perfect.

So this was what happened today at the North Central Research Station, and that's all I have to say about that.