Saturday, February 5, 2011

Extra, Extra, Read All About It!

So as I wrote that Title above, it occurred to me that possibly not a lot of people get the reference. Not that I have personally witnessed such a thing outside of old movies and TV. If you don't get it, look it up. But I digress. I guess I could talk about all of the snow and cold we had this past week, but so did most of the rest of America. Not sure of the official snowfall total, but it had to be over a foot. Unfortunately it slowed down the building progress mentioned last week. It pretty much looks the same as it did the previous Friday, but they will get going again.Snow pushing was a big job here at the farm and at all of the other ACLF property.

But the big news of the Blog is to announce the completion of the 2010 Research Report and its posting on the ACLF website. To read it simply go to, and click on the Research tab, and there it is. It is in pdf format for fast access. (Thanks to Stephanie and Lonny for getting it posted to the website.) It has pictures, commentary plus product descriptions. And of course, you'll find the results of all of the experiments so thoroughly covered last year on the blog. Hopefully you will enjoy reading it much as Stephanie, Brian and I did writing it.

By the way, the Research Supports Future Growth will start rolling out again next week. It too will be available on the Research part of the web. Have a great week.