Thursday, March 19, 2015

Belize? Believe It!

(So I remembered that I forgot to post this already.)  But do you remember Kalvin, the MSU student intern who worked at the NCRS last summer?  Of course you do.  Well he spent part of his Christmas break on an international school trip to Belize.  Everyone knows Belize is that small Central American country on the East coast by the Caribbean Sea.  English is one of the official languages there which made it easier for Kalvin and the others to order lunch.  But look what they found one day.  It seems like you can't go anywhere these days without coming across an AgroLiquid fertilizer dealer.  Here he is by the sign for Thiessen Liquid Fertilizer.  
It was around ten years ago that brothers John and David Thiessen started promoting Liquid nutrition in Belize.  They have since grown the business and farmers there use it on citrus, rice, corn, bananas, papaya, milo, potatoes, sugarcane, vegetables.....and probably anything else that is green and grows, right?  (In fact, John and David have been to the NCRS many times.) It is a Caribbean paradise and the Liquid truck drivers all fight to make those deliveries.  So if you find yourself in Belize and need to give your arugula a boost, do like Kalvin and stop by Thiessen Liquid Fertilizer.