Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Hello World

So I was busy last week.  Remember last May when my daughter Elyse got married?  It was posted here in the blog, since she worked briefly, well very briefly, at the NCRS back in high school.  Well she and her husband were anxious to start a family.  So they did, and look what happened!  Suddenly they are parents...and me, a grandfather.  So both grandparents and aunt (Dana from Montana, who worked three summers at the NCRS) went out to San Diego to make a family visit.  Very cute kid here. And his name is Logan.  He has more hair than gramps.
So it was a nice visit, and also nice to get away from the cold and snow in Michigan.  We took him on a few fun outings.  San Diego is one of the most beautiful cities to visit, but tough to get used to all of the traffic congestion. And once you get somewhere, good luck on finding a place to park.  But it was all worth it of course.