Monday, August 14, 2017

AgroExpo Ready To Go

So if you want to go to a major summer farm show in Michigan, you have one choice.  And it's a good one.  That would be the AgroExpo.  Tuesday is the start of the 2nd AgroExpo held at the NCRS.  It moved from Farm 12 to Farm 3 for 2017 to enable better layout and accommodations.  Plus it's irrigated.  We have been preparing for it for several weeks of late.  Well actually all season if you count planting and taking care of the show plots.  Last Thursday Galynn gave me a ride in his airplane to get some farm pics.  This is where the AgroExpo will be. 
 Today (Monday) all sorts of folks were out making the final setup.  Actually the farm crew and several others (like our chairperson Ashley) were there all weekend.  Here we see Agronomist John, Stephanie and SAM Burt discussing who knows what.  But I'm sure it's relevant.
 Probably has something to do with getting this booth ship shape for tomorrow.  Hey, I see the flavonol bubbles.  Hopefully we can have sumo wrestling in them.  Now that would be a draw.
 There are outside and inside vendor booths.  We moved all of our equipment out of this barn.  Hardly recognize the place now.  But it will be packed I'm sure.
 Lots to see.  There are way more vendors and plots to see this year.
 And I was shocked by all of the equipment.  I guess I haven't been paying attention to all of the iron coming in.
And here's some big iron, or stainless steel.  It's our Super Tanker.  You won't see one on the road unless you're in Michigan or Canada.  Take that Ohio!
It takes more than a handful of NCRS people to make this a success.  Even though this is an independent show, being the host means you do the most.  So volunteers from the St. Johns office and Ashley plant are coming to lend a hand.  Plus arms and legs.  We took a tour to get familiar with the place.  Thanks everyone.
So Tuesday and Wednesday will be busy.  A lot of people and companies did all they could do to set up.  Let's hope lots of farmers pay a visit to learn and make connections for profit. In the words of Emil Faber: "Knowledge is Good."