Saturday, August 19, 2017

AgroExpo Was a Success!

So an exciting event took place last week at the NCRS.  With a guy like this, was it Comic Con?  No it was the second annual AgroExpo!  The two-day event debuted at the new location on Farm 3 of the NCRS which worked out perfectly.
Visitors were greeted by the Welcome Tent staffed by AgroLiquid employees Nikole, Katherine and Craig.  As the show host, much of the show's staffing needs were filled by AgroLiquid employee volunteers.   I see there is a new Retail Partner from Kansas being welcomed.  There were just shy of 2000 AgroExpo visitors as counted by the parking lot workers with clickers. 
One of the attractions was a tillage demonstration by a variety of different tillage tools.  Wheat was planted here earlier just for this purpose.
 There were over 100 different farm business vendors set up for the farmers to visit.
 There was a big variety of equipment as well.
 Another popular event was the self-propelled forage harvester demonstrations.
They all took turns harvesting the AgroLiquid-fertilized Pioneer silage corn.  Pioneer sponsored this silage event, which used to be a separate annual event, but is now part of the AgroExpo.  Everyone was impressed with how good this and all of the crops looked.  You can see the silage corn area from the air in the picture from the previous blog post, on the left part of the field.
It was a little early for silage corn harvest in this area.  But the ears and stalks were far enough along to give a good harvest demonstration as well as production of good usable silage for some lucky area dairy cows.
The NCRS Hagie plot sprayer was on display demonstrating Y-Drops and 360 Undercover spray systems.  We use both of these on our corn.
Dr. Massri had demonstrations of his research methods in a soil pit.  We were surprised at the clear depiction of the A and B soil horizons.  He showed how he measures nutrient movement, soil microbe respiration for soil health and ammonia-nitrogen volatility.  It gave visitors an idea of the extensive research conducted at the NCRS.
The wildly successful Ag PhD Radio Show hosted here by Darren Hefty was broadcast Wednesday from inside the exhibitor building before a live audience.  Four of the guests were from AgroLiquid: Albert, Galynn, Stephanie and Reid.  I notice that the Marketing and Sales guys wave their hands around when they talk while the cool and confident Researcher and Agronomist just let their words say what needs to be said.  Good listening for the radio audience, I'm sure.  Thanks to Darren.
And finally, a mention of the two main figures behind the AgroExpo.  Troy Bancroft, AgroLiquid CEO, provided  resources and inspiration to bring a summer farm show back to Michigan after many years of not having one.  How many companies would do that?  Well one did.  And every successful event needs a chairperson, and this one had Ashley Davis.  She is results driven and made sure that everything that needed to be done, was done. And on time.  Great job.  Thanks to both.
And go ahead and mark your calendar for August 14 and 15, 2018 and plan to be at the Third Annual AgroExpo.