Monday, August 2, 2010

When the Melons are Ripe...

So recently I showed some pictures of the bees pollinating the cantaloupe flowers. Well it is now time to harvest the fruits of their labour. But really the bees have it easy, as all of this harvest is by hand. So one of the purposes of this blog is to show you how we do things at that place we call the NCRS. Today's lesson: cantaloupe harvest. Below are some melons begging to be picked.
The cantaloupes are only picked when they are ripe. So there are multiple harvests. Below Brian selects the ripe melons, and tosses them to Tim who makes a pile for those from each plot.

Then the weighing team gets into action with melon counts and weights for each plot. Below we see Albert, Jake and Gina taking the weights and then putting the cantaloupes into a harvest box. After us vultures at the farm and office take some, they will be donated to the food bank.

Below you can see the cantaloupe piles waiting to be weighed. The weigh team moves from rep to rep. It is a long process, but the data will be valuable in determining differences in fertility programs. (See the bee hive boxes in the background?) Now who doesn't like a nice slice of fresh cantaloupe for breakfast?

So I don't know if anything exciting enough will happen tomorrow for a new blog post. But I am off on another fertilizer mission on Wednesday. Hopefully I can get clearance to show you someting from the mysterious road of fertilizer. Stay tuned.....