Friday, March 16, 2012

Good-Bye Jerry....Huh?...What?

So after all these years at the NCRS, it is time for a change. I will no longer be at the NCRS effective today. Thinking back to how it all in the picture below of me spraying out a field of quackgrass. Today most people wouldn't even know what quackgrass looks like due to crop genetics and herbicides. A lot has certainly changed at Liquid as well. Who could have imagined what ACLF has become? Of course I attribute much of the growth to the support of findings through our years of nutrient research. Oh look. There was a good-bye cake.
It was comforting that my co-workers at the farm were able to focus their thoughts on how much they enjoyed my leadership over the years.

After eating cake, it was time to leave. Below Stephanie can't help but feel sad by the empty desk.

What lies ahead? Time will tell. Have a nice weekend, and Happy St. Patrick's day.