Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Wheat Harvest At Last

After a long wait due to rains and high humidity, wheat harvest started yesterday (Tuesday) at the NCRS.  Here is Jeff at the combine controls harvesting a plot on Farm 3.
After each 210 foot plot is harvested, the wheat is dumped into the scaled grain cart for weight determination.
Tim collects a sample for grain moisture and test weight.  He enters the weight into the iPad for instant data collection.  This is downloaded to the computer network, and with the plot grain moisture entered, actual yield will be determined.  It was downright pleasant at the NCRS yesterday after weeks of high temps and humidity.
Here is a look back at Jeff making a round to remove the border rows that we have between each plot in the five replications.  The borders prevent any influences from treatments applied in adjacent plots. We are scientists first after all.  They will be at it for a while as there are a number of different wheat plots on different NCRS farms.
After watching them work for awhile, I went over to Farm 7 where I will host the field-crop plot tour portion of the upcoming Research Field Days.  I was having tryouts of the different experiments over there to see what would be best to show on the tour.
There were a number of strong contenders.  Make sure you attend to see for yourself.  Tour details are at the website.