Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Busy, Busy Day

So I was walking outside the office barn here at the NCRS and out of the corner of my eye I see a couple of sunbathers with their backsides to me, sitting on the sand. I tell them to please not turn around. And then on closer inspection I see that it is just a couple of gourds (or some sort of butt squash) that Brian grew in the vine crop area. I will have to ask him what kind of mad science they are doing over there.

In the meantime they had brought up pumpkins from the pumpkin plots. Most are given away. (Note to self: claim a few for the front porch at home before they are all gone.) Below we see Dan, Tim and Brian. And who is that on the right? Why it's Tony who came all the way from town to see us. (Wonder what he really wants?)

Today we got started planting wheat. Remember the other day I said that we would plant a wheat experiment after Navy Bean harvest? Well that is what we are doing below. Phil guides the drill through a plot.
And just like we all do, Phil proves he is letting the auto-steer do all of the hard work by saying "Look Ma, no hands!"

And as if that were not enough, we had another group stop by for an afternoon plot tour. These were a couple of Michigan dealers and a grower who used Liquid fertilizer for the first time this year. They were accompanied by Brian Martidale, Area Sales Manager for this part of Michigan. He is below on the right. Here Stephanie explains what we were doing in this soybean foliar fertilization experiment. We hope to harvest it pretty soon.

And that concludes the tour season at the farm. Now go home and harvest something! Yes it was a busy day, with many more to come the rest of the month.