Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Live From RFD Live

So it was finally the day of the big show.  I was at the right place, Northstar Studios in Nashville.  If you don't know, Security Seed & Chemical is a full-service ag supplier with stores in Tennessee, Kentucky and other states.  They are also a dealer for Liquid fertilizers, and a great company to work with.
We had a pre-production meeting with our staff, the host and director to put together the show content and the order of events.  Here I am with director Heather helping to assemble the final script.
Here we see ACLF Marketing Manager Lonny, Security Seed & Chemical Marketing Manager Tom and my co-star Jamie, a Security Seed agronomist.  I had never met Jamie before but stopped by his store that morning in Russellville, KY on my way to Nashville.
Pre-show meal in the Northstar commisary.  We are joined by our host Mike Hanson.  Mike has been with RFD TV for a long time and is one of the originators or RFD Live, and is a great guy besides. 
Time to get dressed for the show.  Got my own dressing room, just like at work in St. Johns. 
We were happy to have Cherokee, the same make-up artist as last April.  Here she tries to convince Jamie
that he really does need some eye liner.
Here is the production room.  I think there were at least six show staff in there.  They are the ones that make us look good on the show, although I would imagine their eyes occasionally drift to the fishing show on the left.  No, that would be me, they are all professionals. 
It's show time!  Hope you got to see it.  I think it went pretty well.  Mike is a great host and I really enjoyed being on with Jamie.  We will have stories to tell for quite a while.  I presume it will be shown on the Liquid web site someday soon. 
I will probably come crashing back to earth when I see what really happened.  But for now I'd give it a 9.9.  (Always leave room for improvement.)